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Upcoming Workshops:
Befriending Your Demons

3 days, 21 -23  April 2023
at Shanti Resort, Lithuania

with Satsanga 

Demons are blocks or obstacles which prevent us from growing. We meet them in our core beliefs:

‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not lovable’, ‘I don’t belong’. They appear as anger, fear, jealousy, control, judgment, and comparison. They can come as a chronic illness or sudden disease. To befriend an unwanted or painful feeling and meet it in its deepest needs takes courage and guts. Normally we run away from it, or we numb ourselves. We hide it even from ourselves. Or we project it on others. Not to turn away from it but to turn towards it is an evolved work – for the ones ready to deep dive.


Meeting the demons paves the road to a form of radical self-acceptance and eventually self-love. Interestingly when we face our demons and find out what they really want and need, they lose their power. Once seen and brought to the light they can heal. They can even turn into allies. 

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In this workshop we use powerful methods and insights to face and befriend our dark side. Some were given by Osho and some Satsanga has created herself after over a decade of deep involvement with shadow work. Painting and dance will at times be part of the process, to have a wider sensory understanding of the nature of our demons. 

For more information contact:
Greta Paulauskiene




Osho  Meditation In-depth & Facilitating

from June 28th - July 1st, 2023

at OSHO Afroz Meditation Center, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga and Kaifi

In the course we explore and get to know in depth all the OSHO Active Meditations. Your approach to meditations and your understanding of the key points of each meditation can make all the difference in your experience and the benefits you take away. In the 4-day course (& Facilitating) you will also learn the skills and gain the confidence to offer these meditations in your yoga-class, in a spa or simply with a group of friends.


On completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate and a comprehensive Handbook which includes the instructions for the OSHO meditations, tips for facilitating each meditation, additional supporting texts from Osho about the meditations and about facilitating, and more.


For more information visit and

Tantra for Women - Coming home to the Feminine

3 days, 14 -16 July 2023

with Satsanga 

This is an introduction to Tantra from woman to woman. 

Our 'Inner Woman' is being revealed. What she wants and cherishes is often quite different from how we live and perform in our everyday lives. We have acquired male ways to cope in a predominantly male world. While this gives us plenty of opportunities to explore the world and celebrate our independence, it also depletes us. Our heart is no longer nourished, and we are stripped of our innate female power. When we stay too long in the male polarity, we exhaust ourselves. 

Women naturally and easily connect to the heart. The feminine thrives on meditation and relaxation, she blossoms when she is rooted in her feelings and guided by her sense of intuition. On the sexual side - by her very nature a woman can receive positive and arousing sensations from all parts of her body as well as from her feelings and her heart. This takes practice and understanding.

We are using meditations, tantric practices, sharing, healing tools and tender touch to support us in returning to our true female nature. A safe and caring container is created which supports you in exploring yourself amongst a sisterhood of women on your quest to become loving and powerful – a celebration of the feminine.

for booking and more information contact Tina Kukhianidze at

Befriending Your Demons

3 days, 27 - 29 August, 2023
at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga 

Demons are blocks or obstacles which prevent us from growing. We meet them in our core beliefs: ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not lovable’, ‘I don’t belong’. They appear as anger, fear, jealousy, control, judgment, and comparison. They can come as a chronic illness or sudden disease. To befriend an unwanted or painful feeling and meet it in its deepest needs takes courage and guts. Normally we run away from it, or we numb ourselves. We hide it even from ourselves. Or we project it on others. Not to turn away from it but to turn towards it is an evolved work – for the ones ready to deep dive.


Meeting the demons paves the road to a form of radical self-acceptance and eventually self-love. Interestingly when we face our demons and find out what they really want and need, they lose their power. Once seen and brought to the light they can heal. They can even turn into allies. 


In this workshop we use powerful methods and insights to face and befriend our dark side. Some were given by Osho and some Satsanga has created herself after over a decade of deep involvement with shadow work. Painting and dance will at times be part of the process, to have a wider sensory understanding of the nature of our demons. 

for more information visit

Befriending Your Demons

3 days, 27 - 29 August, 2023
at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga 

Demons are blocks or obstacles which prevent us from growing. We meet them in our core beliefs: ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not lovable’, ‘I don’t belong’. They appear as anger, fear, jealousy, control, judgment, and comparison. They can come as a chronic illness or sudden disease. To befriend an unwanted or painful feeling and meet it in its deepest needs takes courage and guts. Normally we run away from it, or we numb ourselves. We hide it even from ourselves. Or we project it on others. Not to turn away from it but to turn towards it is an evolved work – for the ones ready to deep dive.


Meeting the demons paves the road to a form of radical self-acceptance and eventually self-love. Interestingly when we face our demons and find out what they really want and need, they lose their power. Once seen and brought to the light they can heal. They can even turn into allies. 


In this workshop we use powerful methods and insights to face and befriend our dark side. Some were given by Osho and some Satsanga has created herself after over a decade of deep involvement with shadow work. Painting and dance will at times be part of the process, to have a wider sensory understanding of the nature of our demons. 

for more information visit

OSHO  Vipassana Retreat

5 days, 26 - 30 September 2023 at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga


A Journey into Silence - A Meeting with yourself

Vipassana is a gift for those who are ready to dive deeper into silence and strengthen the watcher within. The serenity and tranquility of the Greek island of Lesvos in late season will support watching the mind as well as finding moments of peace, understanding and silence of the heart. Five days of no outer disturbance, no talking, simply engaging with yourself naturally enhances the capacity of a deeper level of meditation.

In OSHO Vipassana the active meditations Dynamic, Kundalini and Evening Meeting are complementing the silent sittings - so the energies can move and make the process juicy and alive.

for more information visit



"Once you turn in, meditation has started. Meditation means the capacity to be joyously alone, the capacity to be happy with yourself, the capacity to keep company with yourself. To be with yourself is meditation. There is no need for the other in meditation; the joy of aloneness, not the misery of loneliness, is meditation...


Osho, The Dhammapada:
The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 6, Talk #1

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Befriending Your Demons

3 days, 21 -23  April 2023
at Shanti Resort, Lithuania

with Satsanga 

Demons are blocks or obstacles which prevent us from growing. We meet them in our core beliefs:

‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not lovable’, ‘I don’t belong’. They appear as anger, fear, jealousy, control, judgment, and comparison. They can come as a chronic illness or sudden disease. To befriend an unwanted or painful feeling and meet it in its deepest needs takes courage and guts. Normally we run away from it, or we numb ourselves. We hide it even from ourselves. Or we project it on others. Not to turn away from it but to turn towards it is an evolved work – for the ones ready to deep dive.


Meeting the demons paves the road to a form of radical self-acceptance and eventually self-love. Interestingly when we face our demons and find out what they really want and need, they lose their power. Once seen and brought to the light they can heal. They can even turn into allies. 

In this workshop we use powerful methods and insights to face and befriend our dark side. Some were given by Osho and some Satsanga has created herself after over a decade of deep involvement with shadow work. Painting and dance will at times be part of the process, to have a wider sensory understanding of the nature of our demons. 

For more information contact:
Greta Paulauskiene

Inner Man, Inner Woman

3 days, January 12th - 14th, 2023


at OSHO International Meditation Resort, Poona, India
with Satsanga

We are made up of two complementary energies: the male and female polarities within us. When these two polarities are in balance, it is easy for us to live in a natural, enjoyable, and harmonious way. 

But most of the time we ignore what these energies are trying to tell us, because we don't know how to listen to them. This creates a state of imbalance in which we use only half of our total energy, resulting in stress and exhaustion, limiting our creative abilities.

In this workshop, you explore and discover your Inner Man and Inner Woman, who represent these two energies inside you. You learn what they wish to communicate to you and to each other.
When you can communicate with both polarities and include both in your daily life, you naturally feel more complete, whole and relaxed, with a bigger range of possibilities.

For more information visit

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Tantra Energy

2 days, January 19th - 20th, 2023

at OSHO International Meditation Resort, Poona, India

with Satsanga

This is an introduction to Tantra from woman to woman.

Our 'Inner Woman' is being revealed. What she wants and cherishes is often quite different from how we live and perform in our everyday lives. We have acquired male ways to cope in a predominantly male world. While this gives us plenty of opportunities to explore the world and celebrate our independence, it also depletes us. Our heart is no longer nourished, and we are stripped of our innate female power. When we stay too long in the male polarity, we exhaust ourselves and limit our creative abilities.

Women naturally and easily connect to the heart. The feminine thrives on meditation and relaxation, she blossoms when she is rooted in her feelings and guided by her sense of intuition. In her sex-life she is not per se genital oriented - her whole body is an instrument of joy and pleasure. By her very nature she can receive positive and arousing sensations from all parts of her body as well as from her feelings and her heart.

In this workshop we are using meditations, tantric practices, sharing, healing tools and tender touch to support us in returning to our true female nature. A safe and caring container is created which supports you in exploring yourself amongst a sisterhood of women on your quest to become loving and powerful - in a female way.

For more information visit

The Power of Silence: A Reconnection Retreat

5 days, 26 - 30 September 2023 at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga and Clare


The power of silence is widely underestimated. With our intimate – and often addictive – connections to our phone, social media and all sorts of digital information, we have lost the connection to the deeper and wiser parts of our being. 


Meditation, silence and practicing awareness and watchfulness are the only bridges we have to accessing the treasure trove inside. Inner wisdom, guidance, intuition, bliss and a deep, clear understanding of the issues we juggle in daily life. 


We need to reconnect with the knowledge of our heart and the whispers of our soul. And this happens only in silence – when we disconnect from the world around. 


The Power of Silence is a rare and precious opportunity to tune in once again to the most valuable parts of ourselves. 


Supported by the potent energy of the group, a structured program of meditation and body-based movement and awareness, we will dive back into silence, with a loving and tender determination to come back to our true selves.


The carefully curated program weaves in and out of silent sittings, active meditations, guided meditations, night meditations and body awareness methods, which include gentle yoga, unwinding and breath. 


Please note: We are free of phones, and we stay in silence. All communication is redirected to our hearts and our souls. 

for more information visit


"Once you turn in, meditation has started. Meditation means the capacity to be joyously alone, the capacity to be happy with yourself, the capacity to keep company with yourself. To be with yourself is meditation. There is no need for the other in meditation; the joy of aloneness, not the misery of loneliness, is meditation...


Osho, The Dhammapada:
The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 6, Talk #1

Osho  Meditation In-depth & Facilitating

from June 28th - July 1st, 2023

at OSHO Afroz Meditation Center, Lesvos, Greece

with Satsanga and Kaifi

In the course we explore and get to know in depth all the OSHO Active Meditations. Your approach to meditations and your understanding of the key points of each meditation can make all the difference in your experience and the benefits you take away. In the 4-day course (& Facilitating) you will also learn the skills and gain the confidence to offer these meditations in your yoga-class, in a spa or simply with a group of friends.


On completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate and a comprehensive Handbook which includes the instructions for the OSHO meditations, tips for facilitating each meditation, additional supporting texts from Osho about the meditations and about facilitating, and more.


For more information visit and



OSHO – Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind

7 Days January 24th - 30th, 2023

at OSHO International Meditation Resort, Poona, India
with Satsanga


This course is based on hypnosis for relaxation. It is a guided meditation that enhances self-love and self-healing.

During this one-week process of one hour per day, you will be able to establish a new friendship with your body. Body and Mind are not separate – they are one unit. By communicating – talking and listening – to the BodyMind system it will start working for you in new ways. In deep relaxation this system becomes open and available for positive suggestions. In a light trance you are being guided to reconnect with the body’s own self-healing wisdom. In this process you can address physical issues as well as behavior patterns such as overeating, drinking, chronic tensions etc. It will support you in creating and restoring balance and wholeness in your body.

& Training:


The Training is only for women. Osho suggested a female voice to guide this process.

If you are interested in guiding other people through this beautiful process, come and join the training.

We start with the training on the second day of the process. For all seven days you will be a participant in the 1 Hour early morning process. After a short break, we gather in the group room and start the training. It usually lasts until lunchtime, sometimes an extra afternoon is needed and included.

Please note that the process of “OSHO – Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind” lasts for seven days one hour in the morning and the training for 6 days all morning until lunch time. 

For more information visit



Osho  Meditation Teacher Training
Osho  Meditation In-depth & Facilitating

3 days, 1 - 3 September 2022 at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

followed by two weekends of supervision
with Satsanga & Kaifi

Together we explore and get to know in depth all the OSHO Active Meditations. Your approach to meditations and your understanding of the key points of each meditation can make all the difference in your experience and the benefits you take away. You will also learn the skills and gain the confidence to offer these meditations in your yoga-class, in a spa or simply with a group of friends.


On completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate and a comprehensive Handbook which includes the instructions for the OSHO meditations, tips for facilitating each meditation, additional supporting texts from Osho about the meditations and about facilitating, and more.

You can also join one of my annual trainings done in Osho-Afroz-Meditation Center in Greece (check website for dates: and in India at the International Osho Meditation Center in Pune (check website for dates:


OSHO – Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind
3 days, 12 - 18 August, 2022 
at OSHO Afroz, Lesvos, Greece

This course is based on hypnosis for relaxation. It is a guided meditation that enhances self-love and self-healing.

During this one-week process of one hour per day, you will be able to establish a new friendship with your body. Body and Mind are not separate – they are one unit. By communicating – talking and listening – to the BodyMind system it will start working for you in new ways. In deep relaxation this system becomes open and available for positive suggestions. In a light trance you are being guided to reconnect with the body’s own self-healing wisdom. In this process you can address physical issues as well as behavior patterns such as overeating, drinking, chronic tensions etc. It will support you in creating and restoring balance and wholeness in your body.



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